

What is it?

PETS (Proactively Ensuring Team Success) is a structured, quality assured process developed by Assoc. Prof. Lydia Kavanagh and her team in a national Australian Learning and Teaching Council project to more effectively support and manage student teams.
The process, described in a comprehensive manual, includes purposeful team allocation, in-semester mentoring and peer assessment as formative feedback. Online, open-source elements of the PETS process include Working in Teams, a customisable interactive team information website for students and an online peer-evaluation tool WebPAf which enables team members to evaluate individual contributions to teamwork. The peer evaluation process ensures fair grades for team members based on individual performance. WebPAf is currently being re-developed by CEIT. The new version will provide improved functionality and will integrate with the LMS.

Who uses it?

The process, and the specific resources developed to support the process, have found wide application at higher education institutions in Australia and internationally.

Working in Teams

More information

Please contact A/Prof Lydia Kavanagh (EAIT), eLearning Educational Designer Esther Fink (EAIT) orĀ  Neville Smith (Health Sciences) if interested in PETS.