Antenna aristate
Mouthparts well developed
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Mouthparts pendant, fleshy (often looking like a kitchen sponge)
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Thorax without longitudinal stripes dorsally
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Base of stem vein with bristles
Metallic green or bluish colour
Antennae with 8 or fewer segments
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1st segment of antennal flagellum lacks horn–like projection
Hind tibia with apical spurs
Wings often with stripe
<< Prev Slide Chrysops
1st segment of antennal flagellum with horn–like projection
Hind tibia without apical spurs
Wings clear
Mouthparts much longer than head
Antennae shorter than the thorax and never plumose (feather–like)
Legs strong
Thickset body covered with soft down
<< Prev Slide Simuliidaae
Antennae longer than the thorax
Antennae prominent and plumose in male but short and pilose (hair–like) in female
Body not covered with down
Wings frequently spotted
Palps nearly as long as proboscis
Fly body 3 – 4mm long
<< Prev Slide Haematobia
Palps much shorter than proboscis & often not seen
Fly body 7 – 8 mm long
Abdomen dorsally chequered black and silver
Terminal abdominal segment usually red
≥ 10mm long
3 dark stripes on thorax
<< Prev Slide Sarcophaga
Abdomen dorsally less chequered grey and flesh
Terminal segment not red
5-8mm long
4 dark stripes on thorax
Body blue-black, yellow to brown or black, 8-10mm long