Head broad
Front usually rounded, sometimes triangular
Biting Lice
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Head long
Front usually pointed
(sucking louse)
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Antennae 4 segmented and hidden in antennal grooves
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On mammals
Antennae 3 segmented
Single claws
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Hind legs at least twice as long as first 2 pairs of legs
Body long & narrow
On poultry
3 long bristles project from each side of the dorsal surface of the head
Barrel shaped body
~2mm long
Found on poultry
<< Prev Slide Cuclotogaster
2 long bristles project from each side of the dorsal surface of the head
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3 to 5mm long
Marked angular corners at the posterior margins
Distinct hollow margin posterior to antennae
Found on poultry
<< Prev Slide Goniodes
Less than 2mm long
Head rounded
Found on Poultry
All legs of similar size
Paratergal plates on abnominal segments present and heavily chitinised
On ungulates On humans
One row of ventral setae on each abdominal segment
Spiracles on tubercles which protrude from the abdomen
Paratergal plates absent
Found on cattle, sheep, goats & dogs
<< Prev Slide Linognathus
Paratergal plates present
Found on rodents
Polyplax spp
~2mm long
Abdomen with sparse covering of setae
Found on thigh or breast feathers
<< Prev Slide Menopon
~3.5mm long
Abdomen with dense covering of setae
Found on thigh, breast or perivent feathers
Found on Guinea Pigs
Oval abdomen
6 pairs of ventrolaterally located abdominal spiracles
<< Prev Slide Gyropus
Found on Guinea Pigs
Slender abdomen (sides parallel)
5 pairs ventrally located abdominal spiracles
Found on dogs
Found on dogs